Monday, February 11, 2008

Announcements for 2/11

Homework for Thursday is to put the finishing touches on your classmate profile after touching base with your subject about what you have written. Please e-mail me your story by class time on Thursday. Also, by class time, e-mail me two things: the event you plan to go to for your first news story, which is now due on Feb. 21 (NEW DEADLINE!). AND, the general area of interest you want to pursue for your final story/project. I will e-mail you back with my thoughts on your choices.
ALSO, in order to put in practice some of the advice in chapters 5 and 6, please answer these questions on a page to turn in:
--How many delegates do the leading presidential candidates have?
--How many do they need to win?
--What are the key differences between the leading candidates on three major issues?

One more announcement:
We will have a guest speaker next class -- Melissa Becher of the library, who will help direct us to sources for your final projects. See her profile here.

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